Quantitative Challenge Questions of the Week 1

Firstly, Today’s GAT FREE Quantitative Practice Question 1 is a problem solving question on percentages. Try solving it first before you look at the explanation below.

Question: Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. If the population of Islamabad is 15 percent of the rest of the population of Pakistan, then the population of Islamabad is what percent of the entire population of Pakistan?

Answer: Now the question says that the population of Islamabad is 15% of the REST of the population of Pakistan. Now REST of the population of Pakistan is equal to the population of Pakistan ‘minus’ Islamabad.

Lets assume that the REST of the population of Pakistan = 100
Then population of Islamabad = 15 (since it is 15% of the REST of the population of Pakistan)

The question asks us to find the population of Islamabad as a percent of the ENTIRE population of Pakistan.

Then the ENTIRE population of Pakistan = 115 (Islamabad + REST of the population of Pakistan)

So population of Islamabad as a percent of the ENTIRE population of Pakistan = (15115) × (100) = 13.04%

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