Verbal Challenge Questions of the Week 2

Today’s GAT FREE Sentence Completion Practice Question 1 is a 1 blank question. Try solving it first before you look at the explanation below.


All movie producers use their movies to _________, not to sideline the problems of humanity.

A. amuse
B. divert
C. juxtapose
D. confront
E. solve


Correct answer is D.

Always start your sentence completion questions by looking for a clue in the sentence that would explain the blank.

In this case the clue is the word “sideline”. If you sideline something you ignore it, avoid it and do not face it. Since the sentence says that movie producers don’t side line stuff, therefore the blank should be the opposite of sideline. That is something which has to do with facing the problems rather than avoiding them. The best choice is confront which means to face a situation. Also what you need is a training and practice that help you to get pace in solving problems that require brain storming.



There are some people who think that only the poor and less educated people use slang, but this idea is _________.

(A) accurate
(B) popular
(C) erroneous
(D) widespread
(E) ineffectual


Correct answer is C.

Always start your sentence completion questions by looking for a clue in the sentence that would explain the blank.

In this case the clue is the phrase that “some people think…..but”.

Some people have this perception that poor people use slang or informal language. But this perception is not true. The best option therefore is erroneous which means false.

Accurate means correct, precise
Popular means famous
Widespread means present everywhere
Ineffectual means not effective

Helpful Hint: If you are not familiar with the words in the answer choices, try to eliminate those which you know. In this question erroneous is a difficult word but other words are pretty easy. You can eliminate others to get to the right answer.


By the way, students who use ……. improve their scores significantly. On an average we have seen students improve their scores by 25 points.


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